You ready... here you go...
Contest Rules:
1. Whatever the rules are, BudGirl (your RFTL judge and jury for 2014) can change them any time for any reason, including whim. The purpose of this rule is not to promote chaos, but to preempt wailing, moaning, whining, and griping. Particularly griping.
2. A Pick is determine the number of wins. Picks below 60 should not win, even if they’re right they’re wrong. They will be accepted and you can be a winner but no one will like you.
3. All picks are in this thread. Picks out of this thread are DQ’d unless BudGirl changes the rules.
4. One pick per person.
5. If there are gaps in the high picks, say, between 95 and 162, the low pick gets the gaps down to the next highest pick. This does not work in reverse, i.e., above 95. We all win if the Astros lose fewer than the low pick.
6. The grand prize, of course, is an Astros cap of BudGirl's choosing from BudGirl is allowed to make rulings on prize disputes that may arise... namely, she gets to tell you to go to hell if you whine that you should get the prize!
7. NO PICKS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL THE OFFICIAL COMMENCEMENT TIME, WHICH IN THIS CIRCULAR DEFINITION WILL BE ON OR ABOUT 9:00 p.m., Friday, March 28th and close on Tuesday, April 1st at the first pitch of the Astros home opener against the New York Yankees and the last opening day for Derek Jeter (the Official Commencement Time). Anyone who posts before then will be DQ'd. No picks will be accepted after the first pitch on Opening Day. Or thereabouts.
8. Ron Brand will assist in the verification of picks. He will also assist in any additional matters determined by BudGirl.
9. If there is no correct pick BudGirl and Ron Brand will find a winner by a method of their choosing.
10. Here’s the list of past winners:
2013 - Fynn
2012 – Ebby Calvin
2011 – no winner
2010 - Lurch
2009 - Ron Brand
2008 - EasTexAstro
2007 - no winner
2006 - Fredia
2005 - Drew Corleone
2004 - Andyzipp
2003 - Jim R
2002 - no winner
2001 - Neil T.
2000 - no winner
1999 - Astrobabe
Good Luck and may be the best fan win!