Dallas totally looking like a pitcher about to hit free agency.
Four hits against Dallas exceeded an exit velocity of 101 in the top of the 1st, probably because of the shift. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Keuchel pitches now have the movement that was absent in the first. Easy peasy 1-2-3 inning.It's a fuckin' mystery.
Because otherwise he seems like the type of mess that won't get sorted out this season.
Move the runner, Jose
2 days off in a row for Correa?
George is still trying to pull everything.
Congratulations to Captain Caveman, the new Astros record holder for RBI in June. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good Lord. This guy is throwing straight up slop.
Why is Keuchel still in there???!!?!?!??!
What happened on that Altuve error?
Is that right? I'm not watching the game and can only peek at Gameday occasionally. Was he getting dinked?
Bases loaded, he charged in to try and get the DP and bobbled the scoop. All safe.
Thanks for the context, Jim and AFIBD. It sux that work gets in the way of my personal life and can't watch the game. How rude.
Yuli's RISP taking a big hit today.
Have I missed something with Correa?
His back hurts.
Walk it off...
Kemp got it going
Wild swing.Wild swing.DESTRUCTOBALL!
He guessed breaking ball after two fastballs. He guessed right.
The home run was a fastball. Same as the first two.
Yep. Meat just didn’t get it high enough. Bregman handled that for him.
That'll do, Alex. That'll do.