Who let the dogs out???
Arf, arf
One of my prized possessions is a game used Richard Hildalgo broken bat. I got hammered at a game back in "mumble mumble" and went to the gift shop mid game. I thought hidalgo was the fucking second coming... I bought the shit out of that bat. I then thought it'd be a great idea to walk home instead of getting a cab (I spent all my money on beer and a bat). I mean if you look at downtown FROM the heights it looks super close. When you are walking back to the heights with a bladder full of miller lite and a fucking Richard Hidalgo game used bat it feels much longer.... it was also very hot and I had no water. Did I mention the miller lite?
After "anointing" a few industrial buildings on the way back I did finally get home. (The hiccups set in about halfway and became so persistent I was sore the next day...) hidalgo's bat and I went on a life journey. I sorted some shit out on that walk. Got lost a bit then found my way home.
My (at the time future) wife took one look at me and that bat when I walked in the door and never asked a question about it. She's always somehow known the importance of it though. Never complained when it ended up next to every bed of every place we moved to throughout the years. Money was tight back then. Didn't even ask how I got it....