Hey everyone,
Just wanted to make a request. We (well,the company I work for at least) are introducing a new product called Frio beer (yup, "cold beer"). It's going to be exclusive to HEB and will start rolling out on Monday, with most of the state being covered by the end of the week. If you get a chance, pick up a six pack (it's going to roll out at like $3.50 a sixer, $14-15 for a 30 pack) and let me know what you think. It's supposed to taste a lot like Michelob Ultra, but actually comes in with slightly fewer carbs and calories. And before you say it, no I have not even had a chance to try it, I've been too busy trying to get the rollout ready. Anyway, just if you get a chance, try some this week and give me some feedback. Just try not to be TOO negative, will ya? Thanks!