Back when I lived in New York a couple of bandmates and I would hang out regularly after practice and so on. One guy, douchey, fucking stupid, former pro tennis player, now a pro poker player or at least pretending to be, lived with his parents in Bayside Queens. He drove a blue Hyundai and used to ferry us around. The other guy, Todd, was and still is a good friend of mine. He called me tonight in fact to tell me about some recent and rather startling business success.
Anyway, Douche Boy, let's call him Logan, figured out that if he drove around honking at the hot chicks strutting down the avenue that he could pretty well mortify Todd and me. So of course he did it all the fucking time. I'd slink down as low as I could in the seat as the chicks shot daggers in through the windows.
One balmy night Todd hit on a brilliant solution. We had the windows down, driving down Second Avenue in the East Village. Logan starts honking at the hot chicks who are needless to say everywhere. Todd thrusts his upper torso through the window and gestures wildly at Logan through the windshield screaming THIS MOTHERFUCKER'S FROM QUEEEENS!
And that, friends, was the end of the honking.