No, they're too busy yelling "you suck" at their own players, especially super-utility guys who don't hit like MVP shortstops.
None of that last night. The only boos were for the Astros players, especially any with former Phillies ties. I have to admit, the fans were engaged and rowdy in a positive way. Even though the Phils were getting beat in the late part of the game, the fans were active, loud and still in the game. The place was rockin' and they wildly cheered things like walks and tried to intimidate the opposing pitchers. This said, it is unnerving to see a 20-something Phillies fan walk up to a 60+ year old guy in and Astros cap, get 3" from his face and shout at the top of his lungs, "YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!" and walk away laughing with his buddies.
They do have a funny shtick though, heard it three separate times. When they see someone wearing an Astros jersey, they say, "that's the ugliest Phillies jersey I've ever seen, it's misspelled and the colors are all wrong" in some form or another.
They had a video segment during one of the intermissions where they asked players and coaches what their "last meal" would be. A fair number of peperroni pizza and juicey steak requests were heard. The funniest was Bruntletts, "Anything wrapped in bacon". Citizens Park A/V was outstanding. Not too loud, not too obtrusive but just right to keep the fans engaged and get them riled up at the right time.