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Talk Zone / Revenue Sharing
« on: December 01, 2016, 08:23:17 am »
What does the bullet below from the new CBA mean?
'Oakland's revenue-sharing funds will be cut to 75 percent next year, 50 percent in 2018, 25 percent in 2019 and then phased out.'
Why is Oakland singled out?
'Oakland's revenue-sharing funds will be cut to 75 percent next year, 50 percent in 2018, 25 percent in 2019 and then phased out.'
Why is Oakland singled out?
Beer and Queso / Go-To Sports Page
« on: February 02, 2014, 09:13:13 am »
I've pretty much had it with ESPN. From their announcers and so-called political correctness to their obvious favoritism of certain sports, I can't bear to keep using their site. I've been using them for so long, I'm use to their layout, which seems maneuverable enough if you can find anything worth reading. I've used them as a home page for probably ten years, and now even the home page plays videos automatically. Fox Sports page looks hard to maneuver and strange, but it could just be today for the Superbowl. Are there any sites that are straight forward and contain stories (reporting) that are relevant to the sports world left? Are there any sites worthy of being a home page? What do you use and why?
Game Zone 2010 Archive / Astros vs. Giants, 6/24/10
« on: June 24, 2010, 01:07:31 pm »
Renteria leads off with a single
Game Zone 2010 Archive / Astros vs Nationals 6-3
« on: June 03, 2010, 01:37:02 pm »Bourn CF
Keppinger 2B
Berkman 1B
Lee LF
Pence RF
Feliz 3B
Manzella SS
Cash C
Moehler SP
Guzman SS
Morgan CF
Zimmerman 3B
Dunn 1B 1
Willingham LF
Bernadina RF
Kennedy 2B
Maldonado C
Martin SP
Talk Zone / I Hate the Yankees.....
« on: April 29, 2010, 10:49:58 am »
How about some more things that don't make sense?
Beer and Queso / Who's the iSCSI SAN expert?
« on: October 13, 2009, 10:29:00 am »
I need some recommendations on equipment please. PM is cool.
Beer and Queso / Looking for beer Austinites
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:51:03 pm »
Is there Belhaven available in bottles anywhere in Austin? The distributor for Texas is Ben E Keith in Austin and I can't find it in SA.
Talk Zone / Dipping Dirt
« on: October 15, 2008, 08:04:41 pm »
Was there a player that dipped dirt? I have a running argument with a cousin who says there was; I don't know. Seems plausible for a Birdman or someone equivalent, but I can't find any proof.
Talk Zone / MLB Gameday
« on: June 26, 2008, 02:58:38 pm »
3D angles from different areas of the ballpark and zoom. Is this a new feature of GameDay?
Talk Zone / Biggio 'Look-a-like'
« on: May 06, 2008, 07:49:13 am »
Did anybody catch the Tigers-RedSox game last night? Watching Dustin Pedroia bat reminded me of Biggio almost to a tee. His stance, leg kick, swing, alomost everything. He also flails at sliders in the dirt. Very uncanny.
Beer and Queso / Friday Beer Thread
« on: April 05, 2008, 08:50:29 pm »
I drank some beer today. It was good. Some was from Russia (Baltika #6, a Porter). Some was from Shiner (Helles 99). Both were excellent and I intend on partaking heavily again.
Sorry I'm late....
It is Friday isn't it???
Sorry I'm late....
It is Friday isn't it???
Talk Zone / Take note all you NY whores...
« on: November 15, 2007, 02:31:09 pm »
There's a new sheriff in town; and his name is Taxman.
I'm sure this case is isolated.
I'm sure this case is isolated.
Talk Zone / More changes in scouting
« on: November 07, 2007, 03:27:29 pm »
From Footer on Astros.com:
"With the additions of Bobby Heck (director of amateur scouting), Felix Francisco (director of Latin American scouting) and Glen Barker, we have significantly increased our ability to be the best and deepest organization in baseball."
"With the additions of Bobby Heck (director of amateur scouting), Felix Francisco (director of Latin American scouting) and Glen Barker, we have significantly increased our ability to be the best and deepest organization in baseball."
Talk Zone / It's so easy--anyone can do it
« on: August 22, 2007, 09:34:28 am »
'Former Astros outfielder Terry Puhl has been named the head coach at Houston-Victoria,..'
Good luck, Terry.
Good luck, Terry.
Talk Zone / Houstonians - Need a little help please
« on: May 25, 2007, 10:19:14 am »
I have never been to MMP and am taking my son and father-in-law to the game on June 1st. I don't know Houston well enough to attempt a downtown drive (at least with them in tow, so I am wondering about the best place to sit (view-wise), and if there are 'shuttles' or 'park and rides' from anywhere in South Houston as I will be staying off of Nasa Rd. Thanks for any help.
Talk Zone / Pence on XM
« on: March 16, 2007, 09:28:15 am »
Pence was interviewed by 'Nightrain' Lane last night about 7:45 on XM. He is resigned of the fact that he will most likely start the season in AAA. He stated that the game he went 0 for 2, that Garner said he 'may never play again', as a joke. Asked about the biggest jokesters on the team; Berkman (who knew), Lamb, and OP. He said Lamb is the funniest to him. Said the entire team really helps him prepare and answers his questions as needed. Not to much hazing as of yet. His favorite player from the Astros growing up is was Jeff Bagwell. He mentioned that he chokes up on the bat because it feels more comfortable to him. Rest of the questions/answers were lame and personal.
Talk Zone / Tipping? NBB
« on: March 09, 2007, 11:59:51 am »
I've heard of 'pitch-tipping' and even cow-tipping, but can someone (Limey) please explain this?
Talk Zone / SA Caravan
« on: February 08, 2007, 12:23:05 pm »
Saw Garner, Lee, Alex Trevino, and Fernando Nieve at the signing table yesterday in San Antonio. Carlos looked pretty good as far as playing weight. Maybe 250 people were waiting for autographs, with more on the way I suppose.
Talk Zone / Footer coming on XM175 Next.......
« on: October 25, 2006, 09:42:16 pm »
I'll try to update if Astros content provided.
Talk Zone / What do you do?
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:58:22 am »
Salt Lake Tribune
This topic was discussed in SI (Rick Reilly) and on XM yesterday with Dibble/Kennedy. What do you do if you are the manager? Hits close to home from the managing standpoint for some here I suppose.
This topic was discussed in SI (Rick Reilly) and on XM yesterday with Dibble/Kennedy. What do you do if you are the manager? Hits close to home from the managing standpoint for some here I suppose.
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